Following the example of its founder Giovanni Giorgis (1930 - 2004), OMES is particularly committed to ethical and social issues.
Safety regulations are strictly observed according to current rules, and all company personnel are equipped with personal protective equipment required by the job and involved in regular training courses on safety.
in 2021, Omes installed in the Mechanical Dpt. a state-of-the-art centralized filtering suction system for the elimination of oil mists generated by the CN lathes and grinding machines.
In the social field, OMES is supporting Barka Onlus and participates in the programma di mobilità sostenibile promoted by the City of Collegno.
The Company is also considering to adopt a System of Safety Management and a Code of Ethics.
Omes strongly believes in the social values of youth sport and therefore supported some youth basket, cyclistic and alpine skiing teams.